SAP HANA Cockpit Installation steps Guide:
SAP HANA Cockpit installation Steps:
Before SAP Hana cockpit installation steps, we need to understand the Basic details for sap hana cockpit.
There are 4 native tools available for sap Hana Database Administartor.
• SAP HANA Cockpit
• SAP HANA Database Explorer
• SAP Hana hdbsql
• Hana Studio
There are 3 sap tools available for SAP HANA Database Administartor.
• SAP Solution manager
• SAP Landscape Management
SAP HANA Cockpit:
1. Latest version of the SAP HANA DATABASE is SAP HANA2.0 SP07 and this version is included the SAP HANA COCKPIT SP16 Version.
2. Sap hana cockpit is a web based administrator tool and we will connect through browser.
3. It is used to monitor the SAP HANA Monitoring and Administrator.
4. SAP HANA Cockpit is available in Hana 2.0 SP12 or higher version. Like Hana 2.0
5. We can perform the Hana database start and stop using Hana Cockpit.
6. We can perform the other activities like Database monitoring, Configuration, Hana db user and authorization tasks
7. We can perform the Hana Backup and DB restore activity through Hana cockpit.
1. It is integrated to hana cockpit.
2. it is used for Hana administartor and Hana developer.
Hana Studio:
1. sap hana studio is deprecated.
2. We need to use SAP HANA Cockpit for Administartor tasks.
Hana Ports:
1. SAP HANA SQL Ports is : 3xx13 , 3xx15. XX is instance number
2. Sapstartsrv ports : 5xx13 , 5xx14
3. XS Engine advance port: 39632
4. Hana Cockpit port : 51026
5. Hana Cockpit manager port : 51028
Installation of Hana Cockpit :
• Download the Hana cockpit media from sap service market
• Hana Cockpit version: SAPHANACOCKPIT16 Media (SAP HANA COCKPIT2.0 SP16 Pstch14)
• Create the directory in OS Level and upload the SAP HANA Cockpit media to New directory
#mkdir <filename>
• Uncar the SAP HANA Cockpit media.
• Once uncar has been completed , then execute the below command for Hana Cockpit installation.
./ –ignore=check_signature_file
• Enter selected action index:2
1. SID : Install SAP HANA Cockpit on sap hana database version.
2. Install :install new SAP HANA Cockpit system.
• Enter the installation path(/hana/shared/):
• Enter the local host name :
• Enter SAP HANA System ID: S4C
• Enter the instance number:
• Do you want to enable the Backup encryption? : N
• Do you want to enable the DATA and LOG Volume encryption? : N
• Apply system size dependent resource limits?: Y
• Enter master password:
• Confirm the paster passowrd:
• Do you want to continue (Y/N): Y
• Sap hana cockpit Installation is running
• Sap hana Cokcpit instance has been installed.
SAP HANA Cockpit launchpad:
After installation, launch the sap hana cockpit manager and login through default user COCKPIT_ADMIN.
The default user has been created the during the sap hana cockpit installation.
Enter the cockpit_admin user and password details in url launch pad.
Once hana cockpit has opened the create the new user id for administartor tasks.
Launch sap hana cockpit: https://host:51024
Launch SAP HANA Cockpit manager : https://host:51026
SAP HANA Cockpit Tasks:
• Register the hana database in Hana Cockpit
• As per Database purpose, you can create the Groups and assign to the Database.
1. Production
2. Development
3. Test
4. Sandbox
• Tasks:
1. User security tasks
2. Monitoring Activities
3. Configuration activities
4. Performance optimization
5. Alerts configuartion
6. Backup and restore tasks.
7. Hana DB start and stop.
8. On demand tasks.
• User Tasks:
We can performed the below tasks using the Hana cockpit.
1. Hana database Creation
2. role assignment
3. User password change.
4. Security tasks
• Monitoring:
We can monitor the sap hana database using the Hana cockpit.
1. CPU utilization
2. Memory consumption
3. Alerts monitoring
4. HANA Database system health status.
5. Error analysis and diagnosis
• Configuration:
We can configure the Hana database parameter through Hana cockpit.
As per requirement, we can change the Hana parameter.
• Backup and restore:
1. As per requirement, we can configure the Hana Database Backups.
2. As per schedule Backup has created automatically.
3. We can monitor the Backup status in Hana Cockpit.
4. DB restore activity also we can performed through Hana cockpit.
Hana cockpit log location:
• Sap Hana Cockpit logs has been stored in below location.
• Location : /var/tmp/hdblcm.log
Hana Cockpit default user :
• SAP HANA Cockpit installation below user id is created automatically. User id: COCKPIT_ADMIN
• Using the below user id, you can login to the hana cockpit and create the another user id for further process.
Other Blogs:
Hana Database installation
SAP ECC to S4 HANA Conversion.
Conclusion :
We have explained the Hana Cockpit installation , launchpad details, default user ID details, Administartor task in Hana Cockpit and Log location details in Hana Cockpit
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