SAP Implement Strategies Greenfield, Brownfield, Bluefield, Greyfield 2024

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SAP Implement Strategies  Greenfield, Brownfield, Bluefield, Greyfield

In This Blog we have explained the SAP Implement Strategies Greenfield, Brownfield, Bluefield, Greyfield
In this blog we have explained the SAP Implement Strategies and project deployment /upgrade of the technical project.
We have explained the process of the execution and deployment strategies of the implementation and upgrade scenarios.
SAP Implement Strategies -Greenfield, Brownfield, Bluefield, Greyfield

SAP Implement Strategies Roadmap/ deployment strategies:

1. Greenfield deployment
2. Brownfield deployment
3. Bluefield deployment
4. Greyfield deployment

Greenfield deployment:

Greenfield Deployment is the new installation/new landscape. Once technical/project team has confirmed the technology/SAP Product/SAP Version, then deploy the new installation/new landscape.

• All the new systems and fresh installation
• If we want, configure/install Best Practice systems.
• If want add new landscape to existing

As per requirement, we will install the S/4 HANA 2023 version on sap systems and Landscape for dev , Quality and production systems

Brownfield Deployment:

Greenfield Deployment is the perform the upgrading or update or adding new components on existing landscape base on existing technologies/existing product.

Our landscape S/4HANA 2023 SP01 Version has already installed on landscape. In this deployment option we can perform the update of the SPS on existing SAP system and existing landscape From SPS1 to SPS2 s/4 hana update.

• Technical team/project team will understand the existing technologies.
• Confirm the new feature/new components/SPS of the target version on existing landscape/project
• Build/update/upgrade on existing technologies/existing landscape.
• Systems is already running/live, No risk for upgrade/update.

Bluefield Deployment:

Bluefield Deployment is the both of the Greenfield Deployment and Brownfield Deployment process.
Already existing landscape is there and Bluefield deployment is deploying the new landscape with the existing of the landscape. Bluefield Deployment is Mix of old and new systems.

Already one landscape has existed with one version, But we need another landscape fo the update/new component of the existing version. Mean adding new feature on existing version but another landscape.
Bluefield Deployment = Greenfield Deployment + Brownfield Deployment
Greenfield Deployment = new installation on new landscape
Brownfield Deployment =add new feature on existing landscape.

• Mix of the new and old systems.
• Keep some process and change some process.
• Combination of the Deployment and Brownfield Deployment process
• No risk as technologies will be introduced.
• New best practices/new components of the new landscape.

Greenfield Deployment:

This is Deployment is not a famous strategy. This involves the redevelopment of the existing landscape and making use of it. The major point is mostly use the existing landscape and extends and adds new product/version on top of this to use.

• This deployment is including the converting obsolete landscape to usable components.
• Decommissioning and Greenfield deployment may be viable sometimes rather than doing Grayfeild deployment.

Other information:

• Greenfield deployment is best for implement the new systems and High Risk.
• Brownfield deployment is the safer and faster. Cost also cheaper, but risks of the existing or old outdated baggage into your new system/Landscape..
• Bluefield deployment is promises balance, but gets messy if you don’t know where to draw the line between “keep” and “change.”

Strategies difference -Greenfield vs Brownfield vs Bluefield vs Greyfield

SAP Implement Strategies

BrownfieldBluefieldGreen Field
Upgrading the Current systems of the existing landscapeMix of the new systems and Existing systems(old)New installation and new landscape.
Keep the most processKeep the some process and change the some processRedesign all process
Fast process and low costless cost compare to GreenfieldHigh Cost
Move the all existing datamove selective data onlypicks only best data to move


Strategies are conversion from SAP ECC to S/4 HANA conversion.
We have many deployment strategies is available for migration/conversion from SAP ECC to S/4 HANA.
As per requirement/process we can chose the one deployment strategies for migration/conversion.


1. Greenfield strategies
2. Brownfield strategies
3. Hybrid strategies
4. On-promise strategies
5. S/4HANA Cloud strategies


In This Blog we have explained the SAP Implement Strategies Greenfield, Brownfield, Bluefield, Greyfield deployment Strategies.
SAP Implement Strategies  Greenfield, Brownfield, Bluefield, Greyfield

SAP Implement Strategies

1. Greenfield deployment
2. Brownfield deployment
3. Bluefield deployment
4. Greyfield deployment

Other Blog:

Please check more SAP BASIS HANA Blog

SAP Implement Strategies











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